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Virales Marketing: POOF – Die erste selbst-verschwindende App

Die Agentur Moonbase hat gestern ein Video auf Youtube geladen mit dem Titel „Poof – The First Disappearing App“. Das Video ist sehr aufwändig gemacht und wirkt wie ein Werbespot aus Amerika. Die Hauptdarstellerin in dem Video scheint so begeistert von der App zu sein, dass es fast ansteckend ist und man ganz vergisst, dass diese APP ja von alleine verschwindet und so für nichts zu gebrauchen ist!

Hier der Originaltext zum Video:

You’ve heard of disappearing messages, now I’d like to tell you about Poof, the first disappearing app. When you download Poof, you have 24 hours to use it, before it self-destructs and is gone forever. Why would anyone want a disappearing app?

First, it’s well designed. Poof uses colors and shapes to enhance functionality. Second, people are talking about it. Poof is funded by all major venture firms and is endorsed by celebrities you’ve heard of. And most importantly, Poof introduces an innovative layer of ephemeral anonymity onto your social experience.

Poof Pro unlocks our most exciting feature: Relapse, takes the notion of empherality one step further and causes the app to reappear at random intervals. An API allows this notion of “going poof” to be extended to other apps.

Poof is the perfect companion for the modern attention span. Try it today, forget it tomorrow. We guarantee it will be exactly as useful as the last app you downloaded.